MLT – Mulato Layer Test

This piece of software is written in C for use in Linux/Unix/OSX/*BSD and Windows to test other codes.



:. executing 'tests/example1'...
return success in 'tests/example1.c' on function 'main()' line 10, test 'x == 1'
return success in 'tests/example1.c' on function 'main()' line 11, test 'z == 42'
return success in 'tests/example1.c' on function 'main()' line 12, test 'strncmp(strone, "yourp4ssw0rd", strlen(strone))'
return success in 'tests/example1.c' on function 'main()' line 13, test 'strncmp(strtwo, "yourp4ssw0rd", strlen(strtwo)) == 0'

Result: PASSED, Filename: 'tests/example1.c'
Tests run: 4, Tests PASSED: 4, Tests FAILED: 0

:. executing 'tests/example2'...
return success in 'tests/example2.c' on function 'main()' line 25, test '!unit_series_tests()'

Result: PASSED, Filename: 'tests/example2.c'
Tests run: 1, Tests PASSED: 1, Tests FAILED: 0